
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

(Not quite) Wordless Wednesday 8 (Gus)

Introducing Gus, Bella's boyfriend the Borzoi.
(Click the picture for full-size.)

I labored over which picture to use for Gus' debut appearance on Bringing up Bella for a few reasons: he is so photogenic, so lovely and so important. More on Gus in future installments.

In the meantime, feel free to rave about him in the comments.


  1. What a beauty!   I love how his hair waves as he runs.

  2. Oh mY BBella, That is one handsome fella.
    And here I thought you were taken with me.
    Can't wait to see and learn more about him


  3. Hi Rumpy!  I'm not a very good photog so getting good shots of him moving is difficult (usually only half of him ends up in the picture. ;)  I've got to see if I have any video of Gus in motion because it's really a thing of beauty.  Thanks for saying hi!

  4. Consider this our rave!  We heart heart heart sighthounds around here!

  5. Can't wait to learn more about him!  I love his collar!

  6. Holy smokes, rant on!  He's a gorgeous Gus, he is. A Saluki?  He looks so joyful, mid-run.

  7. Rave, rave, rave ... I'm not showing Gus to Beryl or she might try and steal him from Bella!  And Beryl really has enough boyfriends!  He is gorgeous:) 

    I've got plenty of photos of dog parts when trying to get photos of Greyhounds running:)

  8. Gus is definitely a beauty. We train agility with a Borzoi and I love to watch her run the course. She is one of the most majestic dogs I have ever seen.

  9. Oh Bert, but you know Bella is smitten with you, too.  But I would have thought Bella's friend Maggie ( ) was more your type. ;) 

  10. Hi Tucker's Mom,  We're pretty fond of sighthounds around here, too.  :)  In fact, our friend Gus has a new sister - a Greyhound named Molly.  She and Bella have only met once but I think they're going to be good friends if we can keep them from getting jealous over Gus. 
    Thanks for visiting - from whence do you hail? 

  11. Hi Finn, Yeah, Gus's mom and dad know a lot about sighthounds so he has a special collar for his special head.  ;) 

  12. Hi there.  Gus is a Borzoi (commonly called a Russian Wolfhound).  Similar in looks to a Saluki but I think they're generally quite a big bigger (Gus is easily 30 inches at the shoulder!)  

    And he is a joy to behold in flight - the entire dog park just stops to watch.  :)

  13. I'm sure Bella would be happy to share with Beryl, however, it is Gus who only has eyes for Bella, not necessarily the other way around.  It really is the cutest thing to see him follow her around at the dog park.  

    Thanks for confessing about having your own 'missing parts' photos.  It gives me hope I might actually get better at this if even you have had your share. (I bought a faster camera shortly after getting Bella just so I could get a few pictures with all of her in the shot. ;)

  14. Hi Kristine, "Majestic" is the perfect word for them.  And so glorious in motion.  

    I've been working at home to get Bella familiar with the agility obstacles and hope to get her in a local agility for reactive dogs class very soon.  (She was afraid of poles so jumps and weaves were going to be a problem. Now we're working on getting her through a tunnel - that ought to be fun!)  You and Shiva have been our inspiration!

  15. Oh, a Borzoi! That was my second guess ;)

    He's still an absolute dream! I don't think I've ever seen a picture of a Borzoi in action.

  16. Thank you for all of the Gus comments!  I won't tell him or his head will swell -- then again...
    He was introduced to Bella because they needed each other.  Instant love!  And I would love to see the borzoi agility, Kristine -- Gus was a bit, um, afraid of the high walk and seesaw.

  17. The first time I ever saw a Borzoi in person (last year), I about fell over in awe. They are like poetry on four legs. Can't wait to read about him. 

  18. "poetry on four legs." Nicely said.  

    To be honest, the first time I ever saw one he and Bella were trying to tear each other apart so I didn't really notice what he looked like.  (Both Bella and Gus had leash issues - now Gus is an angel and Bella, well, we're working on it. ;)

  19. Hey everybody - Gus's mom, Cindy, up there. ^^^^^^^^^^^ :wave:

    You know, if I was as big as Gus, I might be afraid of being that high up, too - further to fall and all that. ;)  

  20. A very handsome lad, we can see why Bella is smitten!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  21. Hi Wyatt and Stanzie!  He's a knockout and gets ALL the attention at the dog park. I think that might be why Bella likes him so much. :)
