
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 19 - New Friends

And now, back to our regularly scheduled blogging. :)

Bella and her little friend, Chipper, at the Tufts Farm Field.


  1. Making new friends is always fun!

  2. It should be, shouldn't it? For Bella, it always a special treat to find one she's not afraid of. :)

  3. Such pretty pups!
    Dachshund Nola

  4. Thank you Michelle! I thought they looked like a real pair of mischief makers here. :)

    Thanks for visiting.

  5. Thank you Nola!  I didn't tell you yet but I was part of a transport on Sunday that brought 3 Dachshunds to Massachusetts up from South Carolina via  I've been watching but they haven't shown up on the page yet.  They were so adorable and so, so sweet. 

  6. What a cutie, it's always nice to have friends to play with.

  7. They look like great pals.  Nice to have friends!

  8. How wonderful to have a new friend.  This makes me hopeful for my Brando.  I'm so sorry I thought we were following along with your blog, but we weren't!!  Well...we are now!! Happy Wednesday!!

  9. Hi Mary, thanks for visiting!  Having friends to play with is no small feat for Bella the scared-y dog.  I think she liked Chipper because she was so mellow (and the same size, too!)  It was a good match. :)

  10. They were well matched and that can be hard to find for the crazy dog.  Playful but not too over-whelming with a similar play style (i.e. - chase the Bella) Chipper was a perfect playmate.

  11. Hi Christine - no worries, I'm honored to have you following but I know it's tough to keep up with everybody.

    Bella has her moments with other dogs - she's had a few best friends, a few acquaintances and some mortal enemies - but it's still always a relief when she gets along with a new one.  

    Brando's still just a youngster, right? He's so far ahead of Bella in a lot of ways, I don't think you have to worry - he's going to be ok with your patient guidance.  

    If it makes you feel any better, Bella will be 4 in February and only my husband and I and my mom can reliably pet her.  She's afraid of her trainers (mostly) and strangers are out of the question. Makes Brando look downright brave, now doesn't she? ;)

  12. Sometimes the right poochie comes along and a poochie friendship begins.

  13. Sometimes it does.  With Bella, that time is always a celebration!

  14. New friends are Greyt! :)

  15. They look like a a couple of good mates Deccy x

  16. I am passing the Kreative blogger award on to you. Keep up the great work with your cute doggie. You can read about it here,

  17. Wow, Mary, thank you so much. I'm honored, kind of emotional and apparently at a loss for words. ;)  Thank you.  

  18. Don't they look cute together.  They're sized right, too. :)

  19. Hi Rumpydog from Bella!  Thanks for visiting.

  20. I really thought so. Folks who don't know her might think Bella looks a little tense there but for her to be standing so close to another dog and looking at me (not it) is a regular happy dance for her. ;)

  21. Hello Pup Fan and the "original" Bella. I thought they were cute but they'd be cuter if they weren't covered in slime and slobber. ;)

    (Since Bella doesn't 'go out' in the rain, the wet-head look they're sporting, is from each other!)
