
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wordless Wednesday 25 - Contemplating snow


  1. Did you have fun in the snow buddy?  That's such a serious, but ever so cute face! :)

    Build a Snowman for me :)

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  2. That's a beautiful picture! 
    Dachshund Nola

  3. Oh I just want to give that nose a kiss!

  4. What a great picture!

  5. Snow is the best, isn't it?!  Looks like you are enjoying it!

  6. Snow?!  We don't have any of that here!

    (Though Elka does love it)

  7. What a beautiful picture. I'd be jumping all over the place if I had snow.

  8. It's the eyes that get you every time! Deccy x

  9. I'd like Frankie and Beryl to see decent snow some day.  They wouldn't even go outside in the tiny bit we had last winter.  It probably won't ever snow again here in their lifetimes!  Bella looks like she's wondering what she's going to do next:)

  10. Yes.  Where does it come from?  Where does it go?  So much to think about!  Great picture!

  11. To eat, to jump or to wallow? That is the question!

    Happy Wordless Wednesday.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  12. Wordless and an amazing photo!   She is so sweet!

  13. Oh what a lovely photo.....

  14. Oh dear, how did I ever get this far behind responding to comments.  :( Forgive please.

    She knows how sweet that face is, Julie, and believe me, uses it to her full advantage. Daily. ;)

  15. Her ears are one of my 'favorite parts', Helen - they never know what they want to do and half the time they're each doing something different.  I do wish they stick up straight a little more often but it's always a treat to see what they're going to do on any given day. ;)

  16. Bella takes playtime very seriously. ;)

  17. Thanks Nola. It's all in the subject matter. ;)

  18. Don't you though? Bella gets lots of nose and forehead kisses - they're too hard to resist. :)

  19. Aw thanks. Photographing a black dog against a white background is harder than it looks. (At least she was standing still for this shot. That helps - a LOT.)

  20. Thanks caren.  I really miss catching up with all your goings on - hope to make amends for that starting this week.  Lots of catching up to do.  Hope all is well with you.

  21. For a dog from Puerto Rico, we were a little surprised to find out just how much Bella LOVES the snow.  Crazy.

  22. (Shhh - don't tell anyone Jen, but we don't either - this is an old picture. ;)

    Last year at this time, we had almost 70 inches of snow. This year? Nothing. Well, if you don't count Snow-tober but that went away so fast as to be hardly worth discussing.  :]

  23. Bella does love the snow. This is an old picture though so she's right there with you. She doesn't understand why it should be so cold without the benefit of there at least being snow to play in. :}

  24. Jan says you can tell when Bella's trying to figure things out by watching her eyes.  There's always something going on behind them. 

  25. A dog's reaction to their first snow is always interesting.  Poor Beryl and Frankie probably didn't know what to make of it since they'd never seen it in, how many years?  Puppies have the advantage there. 

    Personally, I prefer snow to just arctic cold but I'd rather it be springtime all year long if I had my say. :]

    Oh, and yeah, Bella is ALWAYS wondering what she's going to get into next. ;)

  26. Hi Marianne,  Yeah, you gotta wonder what they think of it all.  Especially if they didn't see it snowing - like waking up one morning and it's just there. 

  27. LOL - all of the above!  Bella burrows and eats and she also does that little fox/coyote hop into the snow like she's pouncing on a mouse or something.  It's all good as far as she's concerned. :)

  28. Thanks Christine, She has her moments. ;)

  29. Thank you - it's the model - can't go wrong with a pretty dog. ;)

  30. Aw, thanks Ellen. Gosh, I can't wait for this work project to finish so I can get back out and catch up on everybody's happenings.  Hope all is well.
