
Friday, March 30, 2012

Mumbling Mona (video)

I think I've told you all that Bella's a bit on the vocal side, yes? (Yes, Leslie, many times already, thanks.) Ah yes, well, here's a little demo of her voicing her opinion.

Tell me she doesn't sound like she's trying to say something important here. Like "Get that camera out of my face already", maybe?

Happy Friday, all!


  1. Too cute! I love when she reaches out for you :)

  2. Yeah, that little foot action is the reason I chose this particular video. She can be very cute when she wants something (which at that moment was actually Jan's dinner...)

  3. That's hilarious!  Looks like she saying, "I'm warning you Momma, go on, git!"  She soooo reminds me of Fred who is now at my feet yapping after hearing the video!  BOL!

  4. BOL I started barking!
    Dachshund Nola

  5. Does Freddie mumble like that, too? I had never seen anything like it before.   Aren't they funny?  They have so much to say.

  6. Yeah, that last bit definitely.  But this actually started because she wanted some of Jan's ice cream.  She's such a little stinker.

  7. LOL, I love that. :)  (But apologize to your mom for me. ;)

  8. Haha  I knew exactly what she was saying! And I'll never tell. ;)

    Woofs & hugs, <3
    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  9. Howdy All, we have just found your blog again, I'm pretty sure we have visited before and joined up with your Google Follower thingy but your posts have never popped up on our site, grrrrr.  Anyhoo, we found you again through Deccy and popped over to say hi (again).  Have read through some of your back info and our mum is always interested in reactive doggies.  See you again soon.  No worries, and love, Stella and Rory (and Carol)

  10. Hi Leslie, just trying to get our comment name right.  It should be Stella and Rory from Down Under.  Sheesh.  No worries, and love, Carol. 

  11. I bet all the dogs who've been sitting with their hu-folk while this played know exactly what she's saying.  No fair!  ;)

    She does try so hard to get her point across though.

  12. Not only is Bella vocal but she's very expressive. That's quite a wide range of sounds from your little girl. And does it sound different when she wants ice cream as opposed to hamburgers?

  13. Hi Carol (and Stella and Rory)!  Yes, we've chatted before.  (FTR, I'm not sure if it's just the photos but I don't think I've ever seen a Dane as big as Rory.)

    And I have to admit, even I can't figure out what that Google Friend Connect thing is supposed to do.  It seems to be tied to the Blogger's "Reading List" somehow but I'll be darned if I know for sure. ;)  I was trying to hook my own husband up so he'd get emails whenever I updated the blog and have yet to figure that out.  Hrumph - and I'm supposed to be the techie here. ;)

    Appreciate you stopping by - you folks are on my reading list, I just have to make sure I say hello next time I drop by. :)

  14. that was too funny! She definitely DOES have some important things to say!

  15. Important question!! Did she get the ice cream??

  16. Yeah sorry about that - Disqus is a great commenting system but the login stuff is not very intuitive.  (I've logged on to my own blog wrong more times than I can count. ;)

  17. LOL - no. But it DOES sound different when she wants to go out.  Or wants chicken jerky (that's her favorite).  

    She does actually "speak" differently depending on what she wants.  If she has to out (specifically to go poo), she barks. A single bark but repeated.  I don't know if knowing that means I've really got her trained or vice versa. ;)

  18. She had us figured out day 1 and has been playing us ever since. Isn't she funny?

  19. It was Jan - what do you think? ;)

    Yes, she got to lick the bowl.

    Yes, we're terrible pet parents. :]

  20. Too funny - I think she is definitely telling you to back off!! What a cutie ;)

  21. I laughed, especially at the end pawing part ! And Zeus chipped in a "Huurrrmmmm" whine mix at the end of it to my surprise...

  22. Yep. S*d off with that blo*dy camera is about right!! Deccy x

  23. Maggie came running in from the kitchen to see what Bella was talking about! Duke followed & wasn't too worried, but Maggie started squeaking and carrying on. Duke tends to reach out with his paws too, especially if we stop petting him. Bella is such a cutie, seems as talky as our 2 Siamese cats!

  24. My Mum played that video and I immediately came over to hear what Bella had to say - don't worry Bella I won't tell anyone - it's our secret!  Tee Hee


    Snoops :)

  25. BOL! Bella you're hilarious! Luv the tail end paw swipe for effect ;)

    Waggin at ya,

    PeeS: Guess what?! You won the scrapbooking software giveaway! :D Congratulations! You'll see it in tomorrows post butt wanted to let you know right away! I need to give you some info so you can download it. Send me an email with yours when you get a minute and I'll shoot ya what ya need k? :) 1roodog(at)gmail(dot)com

  26. I think she is negotiating her contract. No free cute videos anymore, mom, break out the cookies. 


  27. Hi Leslie & Bella. We have stopped by to tell you that you are the winner of my March Excellent Blog Award. Congratulations! Please collect your award from my blog. Love Deccy x

  28. Thanks.  Yeah, cutie, stinker, same diff. ;)

  29. Oh wow - how cool!  Thanks a bunch - I didn't expect to win but was really impressed with the software so I'm very excited to hear that we did.  Thanks so much!  (Email will be sent shortly. :)

  30. Oh wow, again. Thanks very much for that Deccy, really. I'm kind of speechless.  It's very sweet of you to choose us.  We'll be right by to collect that lovely Purple Toilet Seat ;) as soon as I collect myself. Thank you. That was very kind.

  31. LOL - you know, she is a smartie so that's quite possibly what she's saying...

  32. LOL - I'm loving how all the dogs are responding to her video - that's very funny.  Hopefully you all aren't driving your parents nuts though - I do want you all to come back now. ;)

  33. Oh that's funny. I hope Bella isn't saying anything too distressing since she seems to be getting all the dogs worked up.  (Guess since Duke didn't seem too bothered, Bella's probably not saying anything upsetting. ;)

    Bella's very "footie" - sounds like your Duke.  I LOVE that actually, except, you know when her feet land in my face. ;)

  34. I liked the foot thing, too.  Silly girl.  Awww, Zeus playing along - I love that!

  35. Hey Leslie! I know how you feel. Rin, one of my old dogs (the one staying with my sister), also does that kind of thing. It's as if she wants to tell you something and no matter how hard we try to understand them, we couldn't do so.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  36. "No Mommy, I don't want to be on your blog again!!"
    Very cute!!

  37. We're friends with Declan so we thought we'd hop over to visit.  Pawsome grumbling!  We know EXACTLY what you mean.  Meow from Malaysia, Au, Target and Guido.

  38. Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I know she's trying so hard to make me understand and I just don't always know.  She has done a much better job at learning our language than we have hers. :)

  39. LOL - then she should stop being so cute. ;)

  40. Hi there and thanks from dropping by!  I don't suppose you can fill me in on what she's saying, can you?  All the dogs upthread seem to want to keep it a secret. ;)
