
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wordless Wednesday 32 - Beau and Frodo, BFFs (video)

This video was taken in 1995 so it's not exactly HD quality. But it is cute. And I promise, this one won't make you cry. :)


  1. That was a great video!  They were so sweet together.  I was just waiting to see those puzzle pieces go flying!  LOL!

  2.  I hope Indiana and Onyx can cuddle like that one day!  The nipping at each other is so cute!

  3. How sweet. Our kitties snuggle with Toby because they were brought up with him. They haven't gotten that close to Sage though....

  4. What a brilliant video, I love to see cats and dogs together.
    Lynne x

  5.  I love the leg hugging like Helen P! And I will say, I'm just jealous you have videos of Beau and Frodo. They seem to have a great team-up there.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  6. Aww, what a really sweet video!

  7. This is so lovely. Thank you so much for sharing! How wonderful that you thought to capture this moment with Beau and Frodo. That's one of the reasons I love blogging so much: it gives me a record of all my memories.

    I have a crazy fantasy of my dog and cat developing a similar relationship. After almost three years, they are still more like reluctant roommates than friends. Maybe one day...

  8. LOL - honestly, I think we were, too. ;)  

  9. These two were a little strange so please don't be disappointed if yours never quite get to this point. (They were both very young, very social and simply stuck together.)

  10. That was the key here, too, Ann.  Beau was under 2 (and had grown up around cats) and Frodo was ~6 months old (he was a rescue so we don't really know) but it doesn't seem he had time to form an opinion about dogs one way or another. He could do worse than having Beau as his guide to the dog world. :)

  11. That inter-species friendship, when it happens, is great, isn't it?

  12. Thanks Haopee, I know how lucky I have been to have videos and photos of Beau as a pupster.  Believe me, I got Beau at 30 so had many pets for whom the photographic history isn't as rich.  It is, however, why I encourage people to take lots of pictures and videos of their animals. One will never regret having 'too many' pictures...

  13. Thanks Marquie. They used to sleep (and play) like that all. the. time.  They were very sweet.

  14. Honestly, Kristine, I had never really seen anything like them before so it wasn't a big step to think of recording it.  

    The idea of this blog really was just to be a journal of Bella's life (and that of my other animals) because I realized after losing Beau, how quickly our day to day memories fade.  I thought if we recorded her life regularly in stories and pictures, we'd have it to look back on someday.And I wouldn't be too hard on your kiddos - Beau and Frodo were very young when they were introduced....

  15. You're right. It didn't make me cry. I actually watched the entire video with a smile on my face.

  16. That is the sweetest video!!

    Your newest followers,
    Miley and Maggie

  17. WOW!! I mean, I love my kitty sister and all but WOW! Loved it!
    Dachshund Nola

  18. Absolutely adorable !!!!!

  19. We are having trouble with our netbook we could not see the video we willl try back later.

  20. Awww...that was so great !

  21. Now that is super cute!

    Stop on by for a visit

  22. You guys are so super cute!!

    I wish I could have a Cat as a play buddy too :)

    Your pal Snoopy :) 

  23. Wow, Beau was so good to let Frodo CHEW on his leg and face! Duke tolerates Ozzy headbutting him in the face & flopping on top of him, but the chewing would probably not fly. Beau was such a good dog, the only issue is that he's a tough act for Bella to follow.

  24. That was such a GREAT video! :D Thank you for sharing! :)

    Waggin at ya,

  25. I absolutely love this video!  So sweet.

  26. Cool. :)  I know they're mine and all but I thought others might find them pretty cute too.

  27. Thanks Miley and Maggie and welcome!  We appreciate the follow. :)

  28. LOL - yeah, I grew up with dogs and cats who, at best tolerated each other so we were all a little unprepared for this love story. They were really sweet together.

  29. Thanks! And thanks for visiting.

  30. :(  Sorry to hear you're having troubles. Hope they're easy to fix. 

  31. I'm a sucker for the inter-species friendship videos myself so it was fun to post one of my own. :)

  32. Maybe someday, Snoopy, but you have to promise - no licking your lips! ;)

  33. I know, right?  All my life our dogs have tolerated some tail whacking or a game of chase or two by our cats but this was kind of unheard of.  Just a confluence of special piling up there, I guess. :)

    And not to worry, we figured out pretty quick that Bella's special in her own right. Different, but special. ;)

  34. Thanks Roo.  It was a real joy to share that one.

  35. Thanks, A.J. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  36. What a great video! Oh how I wish my cats & dogs would get along like these two :)

  37. Thanks. I used to be able to watch these two go at it all day long. Never'd seen anything like it. :)

  38. Thanks. If your dogs and cats aren't going at each other, I'd consider that a success. ;)

    Both Frodo and Beau were quite young at the time and Frodo was almost as laid back a little fella as Beau.  As much as Beau would have liked it, his relationship with other cats was never quite the same as this.

  39. I really must apologize to all the dogs and cats out there who are now going to be held to this standard. ;)

    If it's any consolation, Deccy, It'll never be Bella and, well, anyone either. lol
