
Friday, April 13, 2012

Train Your Dog Challenge: The blooper reel (video)

I seem to be on a bit of a video kick lately. I think that might be the slacker in me realizing it's easier to show than to tell. ;)

I put this video of outtakes together from our participation in the January Is Train Your Dog Challenge so you can all see what I had to work with to get that 1 minute video in last Monday's post. I have to say I'm surprised there wasn't more footage of me hanging my head in defeat.

Anyway, hope it gives you a chuckle on this fine Friday morning.


  1. Hilarious!  Love the butt shot through the tunnel!  Glad to see she still got showered with kisses. :)

  2. Too funny!!  We've all had those days.

  3. Bella,

    You're so funny - I love how you pretend you have no idea what they want you to do!!  Did it get you extra treats?  

    Mum says it reminded her of years ago when she tried to get her Golden Retriever Harry to use the Dog Flap - she went through an entire packet of Ham before he 'Got it' - she has a feeling though he understood after the first time! :)

    Have a fun weekend,

    Snoops :) 

  4. This is exactly what we needed today :)

  5. Dip Bridge & ElliotApril 13, 2012 at 4:17 PM

     He he, that is a dog after our own heart!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  6. Funny how she went around behind you while you were looking through the tunnel!

  7. LOL - thanks - I almost cut that bit out, I wasn't sure people would find it as funny as I did. :]

    And yeah, she gets kisses just for trying. 

  8. Lol - thanks.  Oy, there are moments when I just want to shake my head with her sometimes. :)

  9. LOL - that's brilliant!  Very funny.  

    And I'm pretty sure Bella knew what I wanted to do, she just didn't want to do it. She's a bit stubborn sometimes. ;)

  10. :)  Thanks. Glad we could bring a smile.

  11. Yeah, right.  That's not what I was saying while trying to get her to pay attention. ;)

  12. LOL - see, I knew I could make you guys feel better after that "success" video. :)

  13. Oh, she's always outsmarting us.  Her agility trainer calls her a brat because she'll look for every way possible to get the treat while not doing what we're trying to get her to do. She's very funny. :)

  14. Bella ma'am! We passed along a blog award to you; I'm not sure if you participate in those or not, but you can see it here:

  15. Fabulous. And the music really made it great.

    It took me back to Friday trying to get Honey to walk on a ramp lying flat on the sidewalk. She could not pass around the ramp fast enough. 

    Sometimes it's more helpful to see "fail" video than successes just to keep us from getting discouraged. Not everything is going to come easy. Thanks for sharing your outtakes. :)

  16. Oh how do I get so far behind!?  (Thankfully, I believe I did see and respond to this on your blog.)
    Thanks so much for thinking of us.  It is always nice to be recognized. We do participate although I always loathe having to name names so to speak. (It's hard - I feel everyone who does this stuff should get an award. :)

    Thanks again. It is appreciated.

  17. LOL - that music was, in part, for you. (Since I've been using a lot of pop lately, really wanted to do something a little different this time. :)

    Yeah, I agree, it's important to see the process and understand the "wins" take time and effort, and A LOT of patience. ;)  That's why I don't think most dog training television programs are a good idea - they make people think you can "fix" your dog in 15 minutes.  If only it were that easy. :)
