
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wordless Wednesday 39 - Bella and the bees

Jan told me I had to post this in order to explain, at least in part, why Bella is afraid of flies. These are from summer 2009 and her first exposure to yellow jackets (an entire nest of them).

While I wish it had taught her not to put her nose in strange places or dig in holes something else has already started that doesn't seem to be the case. The only lesson Bella really seems to have learned from the experience: buzz hurts.


  1. Ouch! Poor baby :( We think Cali is afraid of big black flies because she was bitten by one and had an allergic reaction which sent us to the emergency vet!

  2. Oh, I think her eyes are a little swollen!  Buzzing definitely hurts!

  3. Poor girl! Can't say I blame her though, I hate buzzing too
    Dachshund Nola

  4. Georgia Little PeaMay 9, 2012 at 8:57 PM

    OUCH!!! It's all clear now. Funny that she only equates it to the sound and nothing else. What are yellow jackets? Bees?

  5. Mesa has simply terrible reactions to bees

    Stop on by for a visit

  6. Oh poor Bella!!  I'm allergic to bees so if I hear any buzzing I beat feet too!

  7. Awwwwe! Poor Bella!  We had the same thing happen to our late Belgian shepard Bear, but it was his snout that swelled up!  No wonder the buzz noise drives her crazy!

  8. Awww, I realize that the yellow jacket attack happened a few years ago but looking at these pictures make me wish I could just hug her.  That fourth picture :( :( :(    

  9. Eva or sometimes PriscillaMay 10, 2012 at 1:00 AM

    Oh poor Bella! We don't have big flies here but we have a lot of mosquitoes - the blood suckers!

  10. Oh the poor sweetheart! I'm not afraid of flies, but I do chase wasps and bees. Mum is waiting for disaster to strike! Deccy x

  11. Oh poor girl. That explains a lot. 

  12. Hi Bella, oh gosh your poor eyes.  No wonder you are anxious when you hear the flies.  Are the Yellow Jacket flies like wasps and sting?  Either way, we send you hugs Bella.  We had joined your Friends thingy on the sidebar but it has not been sending us your updated blogs, Grrrr.  Now we have added you to our Google page so we will visit more often.  No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  13. Sometimes knowing why they're afraid is pretty easy to figure out, right?  Poor Cali - do you have to be extra careful of flies?  Geez, how can you escape them?  :(

  14. Yeah, she had us concerned but it didn't last long, thankfully. Apparently she's not allergic.

  15. I think buzzing should be something every dog understands as 'not good'. It's in their own best interest.

  16. Hi Bella, we're just trying to fix up our name thingy.  When we sign in with google it won't show our blog name which is Stella and Rory from Down Under.
    No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  17. This is definitely part of her issue - but she's just so over the top with it...  :o

    Yellowjackets (I have learned the correct spelling and will be fixing it in the post shortly) are wasps.  Wasps, in case folks don't know that term either, are nasty little bleepedy-bleepers.  They're much more aggressive than bees and they're actually predators - they don't sip pollen, they eat meat - usually but not always, insect meat.  Yellowjackets, in particular, apparently like to hunt in groups so when Bella stuck her nose in their nest, she ended up with the whole team out looking for revenge.  Poor baby.  :(

  18. I don't know what I'd do if I were allergic to bees - how do you avoid them?  Yikes.  We were thankful Bella doesn't appear to be allergic to them.  That must be a nightmare.

  19. They're so pathetic when they're injured, aren't they?  I don't know if Bear was like this but it seemed Bella was actually offended that something did this to her. ;)

  20. I know, not her best moment, I admit. :)  Don't worry, she got lots of hugs and kisses for this little disaster, even though she did manage to do it about an hour before I had company arriving for the afternoon and I was trying to cool.  :]

  21. Jan will commiserate on the mosquitoes with you. Bella and I are tormented by horse flies but Jan is just assaulted constantly by mosquitoes.  They're brutal here too.

  22. Oh Deccy, you're going to learn a very hard lesson if you keep chasing wasps.  Bees might let you get a way with it but, learn from Bella's pictures, buddy, wasps are not to be trifled with.  :}

  23. It's part of it.  I'm not sure it's all but it's definitely a big part.

  24. Yellowjackets are wasps and they're particularly aggressive. They sting and then they tell their brothers and sisters to go sting, too.  Especially when a silly dog goes digging around in their nest.  :(

    Thanks for going the extra step to follow us.  I think the Google friend thing only puts Blogger blogs in the blog feed.  I really should look into what the different methods of "following" a blog really means.  (I keep my own list and visit from that more than anything! :)

  25. Poor baby girl! No wonder she's so dramatic, that looks really painful. 

  26. Oh no!  That looks like it hurt.  Linus tries to catch flies with his mouth and every once in a while he goes for a wasp or bee.

  27. Oooo that does look like it was painful. Those buzzies with stingers are quite nasty. Mom swells up too when they get her. Hope you don't ever get stung by one again Bella :)

    Waggin at ya,

  28. I wondered what the Yellowjackets are too.  Thought they were probably wasps, which are very nasty critters.  One of my Shelties once got attacked by a heap of them but  I don't remember him being stung at all.  They all got tangled in his thick coat and I think I ran a hose on him til they all drowned.  He was very lucky.  I'm glad Bella isn't allergic but it's no wonder she is scared of things that buzz!

  29. "so dramatic"! That's perfect! She certainly is my little drama queen. :)

  30. I hope Linus never catches a wasp or bee! Beau caught one once - had him foaming at the mouth. Was a little disconcerting. :]

  31. Yikes! I hope your mom never gets stung again - that's scary stuff. :[

  32. I didn't realize you had shelties. Hmmm, I never thought about it before but what a wonderful self-defense long-haired dogs have. Glad your lucky pup was lucky. ;)

  33. Poor Bella! Our Chloe Belle has had several encounters with them too.
