
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

WW 65 - A game of 'fetch' with Daddy

Do you want to play a game?

Are you ready?

I'm ready!

Throw the ball!  Throw the ball! Come on, come on, throw the balllllllll!!

And we're off!

Wait, whoops?  Where did it go?

Too fast for the ball...


  1. Oh the look on Bella's face in the second last pic is hilarious!

  2. Aww, Bella looks so happy playing fetch.  Great photos!

  3. Oh wow that looks like fun!  that's one thing we cats don't do.  Hmmm....

  4. Great pics; Love how happy and focused Bella looks! Jan is so good with her. :)

  5. What a wonderful game of fetch! Mom loves the look on Bella's face! {{hugs}}

  6. That looks like The! Most! Exciting! Game of fetch ever ^^

  7. Nothing greater than one-on-one time with daddy, is there?

  8. A perfect dog loving afternoon!  Wagging Wordless Wednesday!

  9. Love the happy pictures. Bella is beautiful.

    If you don't have one, one of those ball flingers might make a good stocking stuffer for Jan. I bet Bella couldn't out run it. :)

  10. Hahaha! Awesome! I love her super intense face before he throws the ball.

    The question is, does she actually bring it back so he can throw it again?

  11. You look like an expert fetcher Bella! And a very fast runner too :)

  12. Oh yeah, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, was looking over my shoulder at the screen and wanted to join in! :)

  13. LOL - you knew just the question to ask, Kristine. She's very good at chasing but tends to lose interest on the way back. Either that or she wants to turn a game of fetch into a game of chase. :)

  14. Thanks Pamela, we think she's kind of pretty, too. We used to have one of those flinger thingies for Beau. Not sure what happened to it now that I think of it... Unfortunately, we don't have the space to use one with Bella short of the dog park and we can't really take her there any more... (These were actually taken in our neighbor's backyard back when Bella and Maggie used to get together to play. Oh, I miss those days....)

  15. Poppycock! I know lots of cats who CAN fetch, they just choose not to. ;)

  16. Hi Y'all!
    Hey, hey!  Way to go Bella!  Lookin' cool!
    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  17. Daddy looks like he's having to protect his errrrrr....emmmmm.... "crown jewels" from a Bella bounce in one of those photos!! Deccy x

  18. Hey Bella, Jet here.

    Oh wow, you got to play ball with Daddy?  Lucky pup!  Wait... whoops, curveball?  Huh? Baseball season is over!

  19.  You look like you are having fun!  We love to play ball with our daddy!
