
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Somewhat Wordless Wednesday 84 - Bella's limp

For those wondering how we're doing with Bella's limp, she is in Boston today having her shoulder joint aspirated and a steroid injected. We just got news that she is out of surgery and resting comfortably. Now we wait to find out if it worked.

This is what we're trying to fix:

For the record, it's chicken dehydrating on the counter that has her so captivated.

We will give an update when we have one. Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out the rest of the blogs in today's Wordless Wednesday blog hop!


  1. Pamela | Something WaggingMarch 27, 2013 at 1:03 PM

    Hope she's able to jump around for that chicken shortly after she gets home. :)

  2. Ouch! I hope those doctors were able to get Bella all fixed up and she will feel great! :)

  3. Ouch - that is a nasty limp! Hope she feels better!

  4. Oh no. Poor Bella. I had no idea her limp was so bad. Glad she is out of surgery, and I am sure keeping my eye out for some good news. I am a little behind and will try to catch up, but why the aspiration? Did they see something they were concerned about? :-(

  5. Jen@MyBrownNewfiesMarch 27, 2013 at 8:08 PM

    I'm sorry to hear Bella is having troubles with her shoulder. Hope the steroid injection helps!

  6. Wishing Bella all the best...hope that chickyum is ready fur when she gets home

  7. Oh my, Bella, I so hope your over that limp real soon. I have the occasional limp. When I was a puppy, I had to get my rear left hip bone removed. I'm mostly okay. You might call be 'one hip dog'! :) Seriously, you are a lovely dog and you sure can tell Leslie loves you as much as you love her.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny the Jack Russell and modest internet superstar! :)

  8. Thinking of you & your baby Bella today. I hope that the vet was able to help!

  9. Poor Bella! Hope it helps you

  10. Woof! Woof! Sending Golden Healing Thoughts to Bella. Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  11. Hi Donns, The aspiration was to confirm the diagnosis. I don't really understand but they were able to confirm that she has "moderate, chronic inflammation" in the left shoulder joint. I've got some research to do on the injuery/treatment so I can better understand but I think it basically means we're 'treating' it, not 'curing' it...

  12. Poor baby! I hope you got some answers!!!

  13. Outch! Poor Bella! We're purring for her.

  14. What a sweet gal. I have everything crossed that the surgery and injection completely takes care of her leg pain! Sending lots of healing vibes and wellness wishes to you :)

    Waggin at ya,

  15. Get well soon Bella! Thinking of you!

  16. Okay. Phew. When I hear aspiration I think cancer and what not. Thanks for clearing that up. I saw on facebook that you are cautiously optimistic that the procedure helped. We have all of our fingers and paws crossed over here for you! (And Bella of course!)
