
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Just got back from BlogPaws and boy, are my arms tired...

No, wait, that's not right...

Jan and I got back from BlogPaws around 9 o'clock Sunday night. We left Virginia at 10 a.m. but oh the traffic was tragic from NJ through CT.

I have a bunch of stories I want to share and thoughts to pass along but I'm still exhausted and recuperating and taking the easy way out tonight with a video of our welcome home greeting from Bella. Vacations are fun but I think everyone in Casa de Bella thinks coming home is better.

I do want to congratulate all the nominees and the winners of the Nose-to-Nose awards especially our special friends Mrs. Taleteller from Tails and Tales on their win for Best Photo and Jodi from Kol's Notes for Best Bark Blog. You ladies rocked the house and we are so proud of you!

So for now, allow me to leave you with a little video of my pretty pup who was, apparently happy to see us even though she had a grand time at Camp Nana's. (Watch the tail.)

(PS - THANK YOU, Nana, for taking care of our little girl! I don't know what we would do without you.)


  1. It looks like Bella was so happy to see you! She does the same thing Riley does--go from person to person, whether they've been home with her the whole time or just walked in the door! Crazy dog.

    Glad to get to meet you on Saturday night...wish we would have had more time to talk! Are you planning on going to Vegas? I already bought my BlogPaws pass--couldn't resist the $99 deal. I figured if I change my mind, I can always pass it along to someone else. Or if I get sponsored between now and then, I can (hopefully) get reimbursed.

    Bella sounds a lot like Riley! Can't wait to find the time to browse through your archives and catch up on her!

  2. I think she missed you too! Dogs are awesome - whether you're gone an hour or a week, they make you feel special. Glad to have you back and look forward to reading about your trip!

  3. I wish I'd done that - I should have just bought the $99 pass just in case. Not bright on my part and now I'l have to pay more (as I'm tentatively planning to go now). Oh, well...

  4. Aw, she was so happy to see you! Love that adorable Bella.

    It was so fantastic to finally meet you in person and I'm glad we got some time to really talk. I enjoyed it so much - it really did feel like we'd been friends for ages!

  5. Love Bella's helicopter tail! She looks so happy to see both of you. :)

  6. So sweet, what a silly, pretty girl!

    I am so glad you were able to attend and had such a great time. Now I am doubly bummed I missed out on meeting you.

  7. It was good to meet you Leslie. Too bad there's not enough time to chit chat. For sure Bella was so happy to see you. Golden Love, Sugar's mom Rosalyn

  8. Pamela | Something WaggingMay 22, 2013 at 11:47 AM

    Keep your eye on BlogPaws. I got my pass for Tysons Corner in January when they were doing a 2 for 1 deal. Mike and I attended for $150.

  9. Pamela | Something WaggingMay 22, 2013 at 11:48 AM

    I've never seen a tail move like that. Bella's tail reminded me of an old fashioned coffee grinder.

    So glad she enjoyed her time with your family. I'm sure she was much happier than she would have been at BlogPaws.

  10. Can't wait to hear all about it
    Benny & Lily

  11. My mom person was there, she's sorry you guys didn't get to meet up!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  12. Jan K, Wag N Woof PetsMay 22, 2013 at 6:15 PM

    Oh, isn't it just wonderful to come home to that!! That tail is definitely a giveaway! :)

  13. Darn, my stupid iPad won't play the video, but for sure the greeting from the pup is the best part of coming home! That's nice that you have a good place for Bella to stay when you are gone. So nice to be able to leave your pup with family that you know you can totally trust. (Our Rita usually stays with my sis.)

    Hope to get to go to Blog Paws next year!

  14. I think all of us that were left behind were happy to see our moms again and the bag of goodies only sweetened the reunion!

  15. Oh, thanks for the heads up! I will do that. :)

  16. Hope Bella did okay while you were gone. It was nice meeting you!

  17. Thanks, Dawn. Yeah, Bella did great while we were away. We could tell she was a little clingier than usual when we got back but she held up like a trooper while we were gone.

    It was soooo nice meeting you and Ric. He's such a little cutie. And you were a kindred spirit of the introverted kind. Made me feel a little less alone in that. ;)

  18. I think you're right. And the right goodies make everything forgivable, don't they?

  19. I am so sorry I missed your mom person! I'm taking notes from Jessica over at YDWWYW and making a list of everyone I want to meet next time. (I was much more comfortable with the dogs and kind of kept forgetting to talk to actual people. ;) )

  20. Oh believe me, I missed her more. ;)

  21. It was great to meet you, too, Elyse! I really wish I had more time to talk to folks (and made more of an effort but that's hard for me.) Next time I have to take a tip from Jessica at YDWWYW and make a list before I go. First time jitters and all that, I guess.

    (PS - I am not planning to go next year - I'm switching off between BP and my company's annual sales meeting - nice that they're so far have been on opposite coasts so I can always go to the one that's more local. :)
