
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday 107 - Diggidy-doo-da dog

Because Jan and I don't like to sit still for very long, and two major household projects going on wasn't quite enough to keep us busy, we decided to dig up a good portion of our backyard this past summer. Bella approved.

Dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig....

We interrupt this digging adventure to check out the chipmunk under the deck.

Dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig....

Thank you for my very own, hu-folk-sanctioned hole to dig in!

We interrupt this digging adventure for

Can I dig another hole over here? Please?

We have since put in new gardens and maybe someday I'll update my garden blog again with those pictures. In the meantime, we 'hu-folk' and Bella are still working out the details of where she is allowed to dig now.


  1. Thats a big hole!!!!

    Stop on by for a visit


  2. We think she has a knack for it. ;)

  3. Can i hire you, Bella?!

  4. Bella, that is one bog hole! I hope you stick to the rules and dig where you are allowed.

  5. She sure looks like she's having a blast. All three of mine are diggers too, so I understand how important it is to find a spot where they are "allowed" to dig, without having them mess up the whole yard. Especially your yard. Mine's not nice like that, it's mostly dirt actually. LOL!

  6. It's quite good if the hole is dug in a suitable place to plant something :) Frankie has just dug me a big hole and I probably will put something in it and then maybe he'll dig me another one! Did you plant something in Bella's hole?
