
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wordless Wednesday 108 - Welcome Autumn!

Work that camera, girl!


  1. Gorgeous photos. The colour in the flowers (what are they?) looks too vibrant to be real and Bella looks so much at home in front of the camera. She's turning into a super model :)

    I tried to comment on your garden blog the other day but I'm blowed if I could find a comment box :( Love the day lilies.

  2. Thanks, Sue. High praise coming from one of my favorite photographers.

    The flowers are Chrysanthemums. (We just call them "mums".) They come in a million vibrant colors and I thought these looked nice against the terra cotta pots. (And I deliberately left the leaves on the deck because they were in the same color palette, too. ;)

    Sorry the other blog is confusing. Not sure how you're accessing it but if you open the individual posts, there should be a place to comment at the bottom. If you still don't see them, let me know - I can troubleshoot tomorrow. And thanks.

  3. I thought they were 'mums' but I don't think I've ever seen any that colour. I've actually got some in my garden but they're not as pretty as yours! Love the leaves on the deck too :)

    I get email notifications when you do a new post and I've tried clicking on the blog title and post title. When I click on the blog title I get a page with excerpts of previous posts and if I click on a post title in the email it takes me to the post (as does clicking on the post title in the excerpts) which doesn't have a comment box. I know I've found a comment box before, lol! It's escaping me right now though.

  4. Hope you got some good treats for that posing
    Benny & Lily

  5. The pictures look great! Especially with those mums in the background.

  6. You look good with the fall colors.

  7. absolutely GORGEOUS autumn photos!

  8. Thanks for the input, Sue. I have found where the problem is but not yet how to fix it. Stupid templates. It seems to be dependent on how one accesses the site. I'll try to debug this today and let you know if I find a solution. I appreciate your input.

    (And yeah, I'm fond of daylillies as well. Can't kill 'em. ;)

  9. She really is an excellent model. :)

  10. Bella always gets lots of treats for putting up with me and my camera, rest assured. (If I thought for one second she wasn't having fun, I would stop.)

  11. What pretty photos! I took one each of Sampson and Delilah in front of the door, but they didn't come out this good! I didn't get one with both of them in the picture either. :-(

  12. Ah, hey Sue - I think it should be fixed now. Apparently a Blogger "feature" that no one wanted or asked for was wreaking havoc on dynamic templates. Anyway, a simple tweak to the timeout feature and voila, you should see the comments now. (But let me know if you don't.)

    Thanks for your help with this! (Now on to debugging why some of my readers can't get disqus to work for them. Hrumph.)

  13. Lovely photos.

    Happy Wordless Wednesday.


  14. That third shot is my absolutely favorite. Love the colors of the flowers!

  15. Gorgeous pics! I love Autumn!

  16. Looking great against those autumnal colours!

  17. Bella--you are looking good! My mums got too leggy this year--you're are gorgeous.
