
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Black & White Sunday: White-breasted Nuthatch


  1. OMG Leslie. This is my all time favorite photo.
    Sigh. I just want to look at this for a while.

  2. What a stunning picture!

  3. Thanks. I could spend all day watching the birds. It's hard to get a good, crisp shot of one so I'm happy when I even get close.

  4. Thanks. I'm trying. (Birds are hard.)

  5. Me and mom love bird TV

  6. Jan K, Wag N Woof PetsFebruary 10, 2014 at 3:53 PM

    Excellent photo. I love those little guys. Do you get the red breasted ones where you are too?

  7. I do love birds. I have seen the red-breasted here only a few times which I find odd because we had oodles of them in RI. And we have so many cool woodpecker-type birds here, I'd have expected them to be fairly common. We have a Pileated Woodpecker who seems to have taken up residency now as well as a couple of Red-bellied Woodpeckers and Northern Flickers. Not sure why the Red-breasted nuthatches aren't abundant. Do you get them where you are?

  8. Very pretty. I used to LOVE birdwatching, and feeding. But we don't feed the birds here because I don't want to feed the feral cats in the neighborhood. It's a real bummer.

  9. Jan K, Wag N Woof PetsFebruary 12, 2014 at 2:57 PM

    I love them too....I've been a "birder" since I was a teenager, but don't spend as much time at it now as I used to. I never saw the red breasted nuthatches until I lived in a little more rural area of NH, not far from where I grew up...but we never saw the red breasted ones then. We see them a lot where we live now (more than the white actually). We have Pileateds around too, but we hear them more than see them. We've had Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers that would bang on our metal wheelbarrow every morning!
