
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Black & White Sunday: Open to suggestions

So Bella is more than a little bored being on 'crate' rest for her second week. We've pulled out all the stops: stuffed Kongs, Nina Ottoson puzzles, photo sessions, even toenail trimming practice for treats but she's still bored.

How do you entertain your dogs when they're on crate rest? Got any ideas we haven't tried? Let us know in the comments.

Bella, and her exasperated mom, thank you.


  1. Oh Bella, you poor thing! We've never had to crate rest so unfortunately can't think of anything right now to suggest.

    Sending you positive vibes though!

    Louise & Bernie :)

  2. Knock on wood, I have never had a dog on extended crate rest. I feel for you.

  3. You've already done what I do with Riley on crate rest...stuffed Kongs, puzzles, etc. (Although, I don't go to the extreme of toe nail trimming practice...I don't have a death wish! Haha!). ;) I do practice doing tricks or behaviors that Riley is allowed to do while on crate rest (which are probably different for Bella, since she has problems with her front legs and neck going on)--simple things like "Leave It" and "Wait" that don't require a lot of physical activity, but get her brain working. I'm sure you've already done this, but have you tried freezing stuff inside a Kong?

  4. Jan K, Wag N Woof PetsMarch 23, 2014 at 5:34 PM

    It sounds like you've done all the things I would have thought of. We haven't had to deal with more than a quiet day here and there (knock wood). Poor Bella, and poor exasperated Mom too!

  5. Well, when I'm bored, I like to find stuff that smells like my mom and chew it up! BOL!!


  6. It is so very hard when Crate Rest is called for...hang in there and hope you are feeling better!!

  7. Oh gosh Leslie. You are doing everything I would be doing. Have you tried the whole 100 tricks with a box thing? Is she able to move at all?

  8. Nola's never needed crate rest (thank god!), but try shaping and other trick training.

  9. That's a pretty good idea, thank you. (We have to be careful about her "giraffing" to the floor but I could certainly work on raised obstacles.) We shall give that a shot. Thanks!

  10. Thanks, Elyse. Yeah, problem with tricks is she's not supposed to be doing anything more than walking and I'm fresh out of ideas. Feel free to share any you can think of... We've been doing quite a bit of reinforcing behaviors that she knows like leave it and pose and the puzzles have been fantastic but I need to switch things up. I think it's just because I was home for the weekend and I usually play with her when I'm home.

    And yes, yes, oh yes, we freeze her Kongs. Not her dinner ones but I stuff some with peanut butter and fat free yogurt and those always go in the freezer. (Takes her about 10 seconds to clean them out if they don't. ;)

  11. Bless your heart. We've never had crate rest but it sounds like you are doing your best to entertain Bella. Bark
    More, Growl Less Barking from the

  12. Nope, miss mutt has never been in a crate either.... sleep loads Bella, Time will pass quicker, lots of luv's x

  13. Definitely raw bones and bully sticks are on the agenda when we have a dog on bed rest. I also groom them way more, since they're more prone to matting if they're stuck laying down a lot - also a good way to spend a lot of time with them. But that's not exactly something you need to worry about with Bella. Maybe doggy massage is a good alternative?

  14. Sorry Bella. Hope you find something fun to keep you occupied - and that you feel better soon! Unfortunately, I've never been good at keeping Toby occupied when he's been on crate rest. :-(

  15. Hmm... A few ideas: Put toys or treats in bowls of water, then freeze so that she has to lick to get to them? If she's in a down, can she lift her front paws? You can teach left versus right if she can. DIY some challenges different from the puzzles you have, like putting treats in a pillowcase or wrapped in a dishtowel, or in toilet paper tubes and close the ends... allow a little destruction to get at the prizes. The cup game: Hide a treat under a cup (start with one at a time then work up to three) and she targets the cup that contains the treat with her nose. You can do that from a down position, too. Um.... Hmm... I'll keep thinking! Hope that helps!
