
Friday, October 17, 2014

Miss me?

Hi there.

Remember me?

Yeah, I'm that crazy dog who this blog is supposed to be about.

I'm filling in for the hu-mom today because she can't quite figure out what to say these days.

She has figured out one thing though: she wants to talk about me.

She doesn't want to turn this blog into a business. She doesn't want to sell stuff. She doesn't want to research the most effective times to post or the best social media tools to help manage her cyber-life. She doesn't want to Pin and Tweet and G+ and Stumble or "Learn 20 Ways to Get More Followers".

She wants to talk about me and dogs like me.

She wants to help me and dogs like me be they scared or left on their own in the streets and shelters.

She says she lost sight of that in all the hoopla about how to be a better, bigger, bloggier blog.

But that's not why she started this blog. She started this blog because she wanted a place to tell my stories and all the fun and crazy stuff I do. And she says she feels like she hasn't done that in a very long time.

As for me, I'm doing really well physically and behaviorally. Mom and dad have been taking me for lots of walks to strengthen me up after having been incapacitated for so long due to my injuries last year. But I'm sure mom's looking forward to writing about all the things we're doing together these days since, as she says, that IS the point of this whole blog thing. So I won't spoil that for you here now.

For today, I just figured I'd stop in and say hello. I know you all must miss my pretty face.

Mom says she really misses your pups, too and looks forward to catching up with everybody very soon.

Be well.


  1. I know the feeling. I'm back to blogging kind of regularly after a 9 month hiatus, a time when I could have tried to turn my blogs into something bigger "better", but (lucky for me), I realized that wasn't what I wanted to do a couple of years ago.
    I have missed Bella's sweet face, and hearing how you are doing. I hope you're in a good place to write soon.

  2. I feel the exact same way. I've been to BlogPaws twice, which always makes me feel like I should make my blog BIGGER and BETTER and all that. But then I remember that I don't want to make blogging a business. I don't particularly want to get paid for posting, or make my blog have a bunch of ads. And then I kind of feel like there is no point of going to BlogPaws if all they do is cater to those bloggers who are making money from blogging, or who have blogging just as a business. I feel like they don't really have any sessions that are geared towards those of us who just want to blog about our pets, our lives, etc., without the goal of making money.

  3. Sounds like it's time for a pet blogger's social club. :)

  4. I loved seeing Bella's pretty face. And I'm glad you've come to some peace with what you want to do with your blog.

    Personally, I love reading Bella stories. And learning more about working with fearful dogs. And I'd love to see some more agility videos when Bella is able.

  5. Hi there, So glad you are back; I understand the uncertainty of blogging-and then when you follow so many people and their blogs it becomes almost impossible to do anything else. So glad Bella is growing and feeling so comfortable with you. I loved reading about your trip to Maine too. My Hunter is a very shy dog and after several attacks, we are very careful about who he is around. Hope you have a great weekend; looking forward to more Bella stories.

  6. We HAVE missed you, Bella!! And, our mom agrees with your mom about the whole blogging thingy. Can't wait to hear what you've been up to!!

    -Bart, who had a toe amputated!!, Ruby who is adorable, though creaky, and Otto who has more girlfriends than mom can count including a 3 month old rottie puppy!!

  7. Think mum should do exactly what she is doing young Bella. SHE'S DOING A GREAT JOB :-) x

  8. It is so tempting to "make it big", but we like our current mix of a little business with a lot of fun. Nice to see you again.

  9. Just read the comments on here, why didn't I do that first ?? :-)
    Cat Flap Cavalier is there and it pleases us not to make money out of it, but to be able to share our lovely dog and (cover that cat's ears) our beautiful cat.
    Also at times when we can to pass on any knowledge WE JUST MIGHT have been able to pick up over nearly forty years of owning a pet. Luvs guys x x x

  10. Jan K, Wag N Woof PetsOctober 18, 2014 at 8:18 AM

    We're so happy to see you, Bella! I know what it's like to get caught up in all that blog can get very overwhelming and it's hard to find the balance. We agree that telling your story is the most important thing and we look forward to hearing more from you soon.

  11. I'm glad you're back. It is good to see your cute face and I look forward to reading dog stories.

  12. Hi Erin, I'm so glad to hear you're back as well! I've missed you. I'm going to be working on putting together a schedule to start myself back into blogging and, just as important, visiting my friend's blogs but I am looking forward to getting started again. Thanks for saying hi.

  13. I've always loved your blog especially since, I'm really only in this for the dogs ;) and you have great dogs. I love your photos, too. I learn so much from seeing yours. I do think there's a lot we "amateur" bloggers can learn from each other. Maybe we really do just need to find our own support group? :/

  14. Ah yes, agility. Well, that's its own story, that is.

    Someone told me ages ago that all I really had to do was post pretty pictures of the pretty dog and I'd have a following. I suppose there's some truth to that. ;) Thanks, Pamela. The encouragement is appreciated.

  15. Oh my woof, yes! I got so upset that I haven't been able to follow everyone's posts that it made it difficult for me to even write my own. Who knew blogging had all this baggage with it? ;)

  16. Oh, Bart, Ruby and Otto, I think I've missed you most of all! :'( I can't wait until I get myself together and catch up with everyone. So very sorry about your toe, Bart. More that I wasn't there to send you good wishes while you worked through it. You are often in our thoughts even if we're not often on your blog. :hugs:

  17. Thanks so much, Frankie. We're trying.

  18. I don't know if I ever really found it tempting so much as I felt pressured that it was what I was supposed to want. You have a great balance and I'm so glad for you. I lost that balance and lost sight of what was really important to me. We're a work in progress. :)

  19. I think you have the right idea. I think I just needed a wake up call. And I do miss seeing what you folks are up to - I miss that most of all.

  20. Thanks. We are looking forward to catching everybody up.

  21. Thanks, Cathlin. It's good to be back. :)

  22. I feel just like you do about blogging. I get offers almost every day for ads or free stuff or whatever... but I started blogging because I wanted to share my experiences. I didn't want another job. So, I just keep plugging along, ignoring the stats for my blog, but making sure that I enjoy doing it. I hope that you do the same because it *is* fun when there aren't a whole bunch of commercial obligations associated with it.

  23. As usual I'm late! I feel the same about blogging as you ... which is just as well as I very rarely get any opportunities to make my blog pay it's way, lol! Actually I don't think I ever have! I do enjoy Pinterest, it's kind of a scrapbook of things I like :) Terrible time waster! I check stats about twice a year if that. I'm very pleased if my photos make someone smile but I hope I'd still blog even if nobody came.

    I do feel guilt because I don't get around to reading as many blogs as I used to and it's so easy to get behind. I do what I can. So while I am usually late I generally get there like the turtle!

    Glad to hear you sounding so content though. Kind of at peace with yourself :)

  24. I love reading about Bella. I can relate to some extent with my two reactive labs. And of course Bella is just adorable so who can get enough of her!

  25. We did miss your pretty face, Bella! I'm with your mom! So much talk about stats and analytics and social media and yada yada. I'm really not interested in all that. I just want to write what I wanna write, try to make folks smile, and have fun doing it. Looking at the stats is not fun, so I don't do it! (The only thing I like to look at are the weird search terms that bring folks to my site - those can be pretty fun!)

  26. (I'm sorry I'm SO far behind on reading and just now getting to this!!!!) Hi, Bella! You are such a pretty girl! Really, I love your stories about Bella and all the work that the three of you are doing together. It's wildly inspiring, and I can't wait to read more!
