
Sunday, December 11, 2011

"One Day @ Save a Sato" (video)

Last night I announced in my post about the "Social Media for Social Change" event that I would be participating on behalf of Save a Sato in Puerto Rico. Shortly afterwards, I happened upon this video by lolavibemusic on Youtube. It is the most extensive view I've found of Save a Sato, the shelter and organization that rescued my Bella.

These are not the conditions we're used to seeing in the States. But please remember, this is the rescue. The conditions of the non-rescued on the streets and beaches is far worse and very dangerous.

This video was taken during June 2011. I am pleased to tell you the shelter is under-going a much needed update and you can see the progress made as of November 2011 at the Save a Sato web site. Much still needs to be done.

It's very difficult for me to imagine the silly, spoiled scared-y dog currently lying behind me on the couch as being rescued TO these conditions. However, I also know that Gloria and all the volunteers at Save a Sato are there every day caring for and loving these dogs. They are saving lives. Every day.

One day, a little over 3 years ago, they saved Bella's. I will never forget that.

And now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go hug my beautiful little girl.

PS - For all my dog blogger friends who love to "Guess the Breed", new sato blogger Enzo is running a fund-raiser to benefit Save a Sato. $5.00 gets you a guess and all proceeds go directly to Save a Sato. How fun is that?

UPDATE: Enzo's Guess My Breed contest has ended but I'm keeping the link to his post up so you can all check out his blog. He's a very handsome and silly guy.

Thanks to Alfie, Snoopy, Luna and My Brown Newfies for bringing us the Monday Mischief Pet Blog Hop. Make sure you hop on through to the other blogs and see what trouble our various critters can get into over the weekend.


  1. Thanks for visiting Enzo's blog and for caring about Save a Sato! Is Bella from Save a Sato? I also appreciate the link to his "Guess My Breed fundraiser" that benefits Save a Sato!

  2. Hi Yvette, Thanks for the return visit. Bella is indeed from Save a Sato. I first learned of Satos when I was volunteering at a local shelter about 10 years ago and have loved them ever since. When it came time to bring a new dog into our home, we went to that same shelter and Bella just captured my heart.

    Happy to give the nod to your effort - I hope it helps send a few folks your way and thank you for raising funds for SaS!

  3. And what is Bella's breed? We are soooo excited to find out Enzo's.
    I've known about Save a Sato for at least 7 yrs. I've known about satos all my life. My grandpa had a farm in Puerto Rico and he fed many satos. 

  4. Thanks for sharing about Save a Sato - bless them for what they do.

  5. Us Doggies sure are lucky that someone is caring for us less fortunate ones overseas - great job you're doing spreading the word about their efforts! :)

    Woofs to Bella,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  6. As you say the condtions aren't great, but at least dogs are being helped. Mum has spent time in India and says that initially the conditions in some of the shelters are shocking, but it's a lot lot better than life on the streets. Deccy x

  7. Thanks for sharing! Give Bella a puppy kiss from me *waggy tail*

  8. Haha - yeah, that's a story unto itself - we had Bella DNA tested and they gave us our money back. Seriously. You can read the full story on that here:

    Good luck w/discovering Enzo's!  

    How wonderful that your animal awareness goes back to your grandfather's involvement.  That's quite a history of helping satos.

  9. Hi Pup Fan.  They really are amazing.  I know the conditions are disturbing and probably not what anyone wants to see 2 weeks before Christmas but maybe right before Christmas IS a good time for a reminder of how much we have here on the mainland and just how lucky we are. :]

  10. Thanks Snoopy! I'm happy there are people helping all the unfortunate sweet doggies everywhere.  It's amazing how hard these people "work" (without pay, of course) out of the goodness of their heart to help save the animals. 

    Bella sends woofs and wags back at you!

  11. Hi Deccy,  Yeah, I think that's what we felt Sunday night when we first saw the video.  I've known of course that the conditions were rough, that the money goes to food and meds for the animals.  It was just, as you say, a little shocking to see this. Jan said it looked like puppy mill conditions...  And yet, it's better than the dangerous streets. :(

    Still, we know the good work these people do - they just need more money, more resources and more time. (But other than that... ;)  

    PS - Jan and I would love to go to India someday...  Tell your mum we're quite jealous. 

  12. Hi Alfie, puppy kisses have been distributed. ;)  Bella sends a big hug back to her handsome friend.

  13. WTH?! Can you share with me which test you tried? I read the post. Enzo is also reactive and a scaredy-dog. He's terrified of walks down a street where there are moving cars. Luckily we have a big fenced yard but he is not yet "walkable".

  14. Aw, poor Enzo.  It took Bella a while but she has gotten over her fear of trucks and cars - at least to a degree - I'm not sure we'd ever want her to not be wary of them but at least she doesn't freak out when they go down the road any more. 

    You haven't had him long and he's a lot older than Bella (more time to have his fears set in) so take your time with him.  He'll learn to trust you and know that if you're walking him somewhere he'll be safe but it will take time.  A vet told me once "Bella's got it all figured out, she just figured it all wrong." It'll take some time to adjust that 'figuring'. :) 

    (Heading over to the other post to talk about the dna test.)

  15. Although the conditions are not ideal, you can see that they are loved & that is more than some shelters here provide. Hoping they are able to continue helping the animals & that their wishes & needs are met. We are very thankful that someone is making a difference for the animals there :)

  16. Hi Pauley!  I absolutely agree, I hope I didn't make it sound like I didn't appreciate their efforts.  I admire these people so much, Gloria is at the shelter caring for these dogs 365 days a year.  You can't help but be in awe of that kind of dedication. They make sure the animals are safe, fed and loved. Everything else is secondary. :)

  17. Oh Leslie, that is such a compelling video!  I think the dogs faces say it all, while the conditions then might not have been ideal they are very happy to be there:)  I've been to the website and seen how much work has been done since then, it's amazing.  Gloria and her fellow volunteers certainly are heroines.  

    I just popped back to your blog to nab the Kreative Blogger award jpg as I was going to write a post and pass it on tonight but you've well and truly sidetracked me:)  Unfortunately I'm too late to enter Enzo's competition but I'm going to make a donation to Save a Sato anyway.  

  18. Hi Sue, oh now you've gone and made me all verklempt again (my new favorite word). Your donation to Save a Sato means the world to me - kind of like this whole blogging thing has done at least a little something good.  Thank you.

    Gloria and her crew are our heroes. And don't think the dogs don't know and remember - we went to a Sato reunion where some of the volunteers came up here to the States and you had to see the dogs with them. I have a picture of Bella with the woman who rescued her that will knock your socks off. (A post on it is coming - someday. On the bright side, we've no shortage of stories to tell. ;)

    Thank you again, I can't tell you how much this means to me.
