
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Black & White Sunday: Quiet garden

Black & White Sunday blog hop is sponsored by You Did What With Your Weiner, My Life in Blog Years and Dachshund Nola.


  1. Your garden always looks like such an amazing place. It makes me wish I had more skill in that area. Perhaps one day I'll be able to hire someone to creat such an oasis for me...

  2. Hey Bella, Jet here. 

    We could enjoy time in that space, yup, we sure could!  Peaceful photo...

  3. LOL! I was sitting and staring at your photo figuring Bella was hidden somewhere in there. Then I finally read your title. Duh! Great shot - I love the contrast of black and gray and shades of white. (Hi Bella!)

  4. LOL - sorry but yeah, you never know what'll show up here in pictures on the blog.  It's not always Bella. Heck, it's not even always animals. ;)

  5. I'll let you in on a secret - the plants in this picture are 'volunteers'.  That means we didn't plant them, we just let them grow where they wanted to.  

    The biggest lesson we had to learn in the garden was to not fuss so much - let things do what they want.  Of course, we have more moss than grass and ferns than flowers but it works for us.  Not everyone would agree. ;)

  6. Just lovely!

  7. Oh how I would love to get my paws on those plants. Plants don't last long in my yard.

  8. With spots for a dog to have some rolling fun, right?

  9. I demand a Bella in the garden... what do you mean it's no longer considered quiet when a Bella is added.

    Hey Leslie, did you get my email? I sent it to you a week ago but hadn't heard from you so I assumed that you hadn't read it yet. And it's alright. I just wanted to drop by.

    By the way, I'm hosting a Follow the Dog Home book giveaway and I wanted to inform you about it. It's in this link

    Anyway, have a great week ahead of you.

    Huggies and Cheese,

