
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wordless Wednesday 57 - A Pony for Christmas

I was digging through some old photographs and found this one. I loved it and thought I'd share.

Breaking the 'wordless' rules for today, I wanted to let everyone know that Casa de Bella is going on vacation next week. (And yes, including Bella!) I have some posts scheduled to go up but since this one was supposed to and it didn't work, you may not hear from us again until October. (We'll see if I can get this schedule thing figured out. Any and all suggestions are welcome.)

Hope everyone has a wonderful couple of weeks and that we don't miss anything too terribly exciting in our absence.


  1. Wahhhh!  You had a pony??    Okay.  Have a great vaca!

  2. Hope you have a fun trip and how nice you are bringing Bella. Last time my peoples went away they took the girl dogs too, but left me behind. Can you imagine?

  3. I did.  Guess I haven't talked about the whole horse period, have I?  That's usually my sister's domain.

  4. Thanks - we are really looking forward to it.  And no, Toby, I can't imagine why they left you behind!  For shame.  ;)

  5. Beautiful photo! And I'm feeling very jealous that you had a pony!
    Found your blog through the BlogPaws blog hop! :-)

  6. Gorgeous photo! Have fun on your trip! Have you asked the magic 8 ball (google) how to schedule posts?

  7. LOL - you know, you'd think I'd already done that.  ;)  But I just kind of assumed that bit where it says "schedule post" and then "save" would have done the trick.  I'm going to try and Google it later.  

    Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Hi!  Thanks for visiting.  I think I might get a bit of that jealous thing going on today.  :)  

  9. Woof! Woof! Great photo ... precious n memorable. Happy WW. Have a wonderful vacation. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  10. I'm assuming that is you on the horse?  We had a horse when I was a kid too, I miss horses. :-(

  11. I love that photo - isn't it every little girl's dream?


  12. What a wonderful picture. For some reason it makes me think of winter in Narnia.

    Hope you have a great trip. So glad you can take Bella with you. 

  13. Wht a gorgeous picture. I love the lack of colour and the concentration on your face. And Pamela is right. It does look like Narnia LOL! have a great holiday :) x

  14. Great photo! I love how the snow makes the horse look blurry. Looks like a cold day, though!



  15. That's a great picture! You look younger than I was when I got my first horse, I didn't get my 17 year old rescued horse until I was the ancient age of 14.:)

  16. Not by much - I was 12.  :)

    Amy was also a rescue.  I have some pictures coming up of my sister riding her that explains why, after this day, I was never really able to.

  17. That would be me.  I was 12. It really was Christmas.  I really do miss having them, too.  My sister made a career out of working with them at a large animal clinic but I think she misses having one of her more than even I do.

  18. Maybe that's why I love it so?  My dad was a really good photographer and I just love everything about this photo.  There is something a bit Narnia-esque about it...

  19. Oh no, not THAT picture! Amy was a sweetie, until you got on her back.  :0

  20. LOL - yes, I have two of THOSE pictures coming up!  I used to be able to sit on her in her stall but out in the field - no way!

  21. I remember crying when I realized mom and dad had given me a pony for Christmas.  It was probably 7 am when this picture was taken and my mom still had Christmas dinner for a house full of people to fix.  It was indeed, a dream come true for this little girl.

    My dad had a wonderful eye for photography.  I'm happy to share them here.

  22. Thanks!  It was definitely cold but I don't really remember.  :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  23. I think it, isn't it?  It certainly was mine.  :)

  24. What an amazing photo!! Have a GREAT vacation!!!

  25. Do you have pictures of you on April? If not, I do.

  26. Great photo! But I couldn't help thinking Game of Thrones for some reason... Have a great hols!

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  27.  Hi Y'all!
    Just wanted to stop for a visit.  Hope y'all are havin' a great week!

    As for the schedule Human does it from a program on her hard drive, but it doesn't always work.  When it doesn't she mumbles something about the "best laid plans..."
    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  28. When kids ask me, what's your favorite animal, I always say dogs. But horses! A close second. I begged my mom for a horse, but we could never work it out. It hasn't stopped my affection from afar, though.

    What a gorgeous shot.

  29. Beautiful! Was this you? What a lovely moment to share. :-)

    I hope you all have a terrific holiday!

  30. What a fantastic photo! A real framer :D
    Y'all have a great time on vacation! Can't wait to hear all about it! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  31. Have a great trip - I'm so excited that Bella is going, too! I can't wait to hear all about it.

  32. Such a precious photo. I love it.

  33. OMG!  What a beautiful picture and such an awesome memory to have. :)
