
Friday, January 25, 2013

Follow up Friday 4 - Confession time

We are participating in Heart Like a Dog's "Follow-up Friday" Blog Hop. "The blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend."

Thanks Jodi for letting us join you in this fabulous idea.

Just Beau
The over-riding question from this post seemed to be about blogging from my iPad. Huh. I didn't know that was such an unknown. 
I can't speak for any platform other than Blogger but yes, Blogger bloggers can download the free Blogger app from iTunes and blog directly from your iPad. (Yes, there's a version for Android, which makes sense since Android and Blogger are Google products.)

I can't tell you too much about it yet but you can take pictures or 'upload' from your photo stream. I'm just really tragic at formatting photos on my iPad. The other frustration I found was that you can't do a whole lot of formatting of your post in the app but maybe I just haven't figured that part out yet.
A nice feature is that you can begin creating a post even if you're not on a network (my iPad is not 3G) and save it for later. When you get back on the network, it syncs to your web version Blogger account so you could adjust your formatting there or you could just publish the post as is from the app. So far, I think it's "okay" and it sure worked for me in a pinch.
30/30 Challenge.
I really hate to fail. I'm mean really hate to fail. But alas, I must confess, January kicked my butt and we failed to meet the 30/30 Challenge set forth by You Did What With Your Weiner. We started out strong but I got hit with the flu in the second week which totally wrecked me for about a week.

I did try to stage a come-back getting on the treadmill for a much-needed run once I was on my feet again but I haven't been able to keep up the momentum and then the record cold temperatures arrived and our heating system died.

So it's time to admit defeat, thank YDWWYW for the challenge and hope everyone else fared better than we.

And then there's Bella. Probably what's sapped my energy more than anything else is Bella's injury. She is still on exercise restriction and she limps almost constantly now. She's even begun holding her left foot up so as not to bear any weight on it at all. This isn't getting better, it's getting worse. And it's heartbreaking to watch.

To update you on her situation, we have started seeing a veterinary rehabilitor. We're going to put her on Rimadyl (carprofen) for a month or two to see if its anti-inflammatory properties can help fix her up.

And then, while the Rimadyl is doing its thing, Bella will be getting some very limited, monitored exercise on the "underwater treadmill". Since the water in the tank provides buoyancy, it should reduce the pressure from weight on her leg. The hope is that she can begin to work out the pain and stiffness and strengthen the shoulder muscles in a controlled and supported manner.

Of course, because this is Bella we're talking about, first we have to get her to accept the tank and stop trying to climb out of it and into Daddy's arms. She did extremely well with her first try and we think (hope) she'll look forward to going to rehab in no time. (Given her most recent visits to the vet, she was quite a wreck walking into the clinic the first day. And she pretty much ran back to the car when it was over. We'll work on that.)

We'll also work on getting pictures/video.
This is my dog on rehab.
Wordless Wednesday - Passengers
A few updates about some of my more recent passengers that I learned via the receiving shelter who took Russell, Juniper, Garland and Poinsetta: Pet Tails Rescue. They have a Facebook page where you can see the little cutie pies all cleaned up and with their brand new moms and dads. Russell, Juniper and Garland have all been adopted and I think only momma Poinsetta is still waiting for her very own forever home.

Russell even has his own Facebook page. I wish all my little travelers did.
Agility for Reactive Dogs
I guess I didn't realize just how lucky we really are to have such an innovative training center near us as this story sparked a lot of interest. There were a bunch of questions asked in the comments and I promise, I'll do my very best to cover them all. Thanks very much for the support.
And thanks again to Jodi from Heart Like a Dog and this week, Gizmo and Beth from Terrier Torrent, for co-hosting the blog hop!

Wishing you all a lovely, warm weekend.


  1. Paws crossed for Bella to be feeling better soon!  That's great to hear that your little passengers have new homes.  Gotta love a happy ending.

  2. That looks like a pretty comfy shirt Bella! Brr. .our house is always 64 at night and goes up to 68 during the day . .my friend is South Carolina thinks we are crazy!! Hope you are feeling better!

  3. What a GREAT follow-up!  Thanks so much for joining us this week.  I do hope you are feeling better!

    I'm looking for either a tablet or an iPad, but truthfully my boss has an iPad and for me it's very hard to use.   Of course I haven't blogged from it because....well that just wouldn't be right. :-)   I think I'm leaning more towards a tablet because 1) it's compatible with all the PC's I own and 2) I think it might be more user friendly, but I'm not buying anything until I research them fully.

    As for Bella and the treadmill, well I think you may find that once she gets used to it she will love it.  My friend's dog needed that kind of therapy and she would get in the tank and hit the start button immediately! 

    And I do think you are lucky you have the reactive dog facility.  I don't know of any around here, the place I'm taking Delilah now spaces the dogs out nicely and Delilah doesn't always react, it just makes me nervous because people are so clueless.  The first night I pulled up I parked next to a woman who was sitting in the back seat with her dog.  As soon as I got out of my car she got her dog out of her car.  A bouncy, energetic, out of control Golden Retriever.  The kind of dog that Delilah HATES.  I swear I just about clocked her. :-)

    Well, there's my blog post for the morning. :-)  Thanks again for participating!

  4. Working with anything with an "i" in front of it always sounds frustrating to me. I had an ipod for a short time and never figured out how to use the apps or anything. I really have a problem with technology stuff...

    Of course, for people like you and my hubby, it's like second nature. We all have our skills, huh?

    It sounds like you did your best with the exercise challenge, and to me, that's all that matters. Glad you are working with a specialist with Bella and hoping the underwater therapy helps her (and grows on her too.)

  5. Hey, Leslie -- just wondered how Bella tested on her last lyme test and if you know if she ever had lyme in her life.  Gus and Molly say hi!

  6. Gosh, I hope Bella gets better soon!

  7. Hey Cindy, good question but one, unfortunately we've already covered. Bella has been vaccinated for Lyme since she came to the mainland and they don't (well, didn't) have Lyme in PR in 2008.

    Still, the real reason it was ruled out is that the injury doesn't present like Lyme. It's worst when she rises after lying down indicating soft-tissue damage or maybe joint damage.

    But thanks for a good tip.

  8. Leslie, the vaccination can cause Lyme (yes, that rumor is a true one).  And it's a sneaky come and go disease.  So her 4DX test is neg for it?  If not (even if you've been told it's pos due to the vac), it's worth a further look.....
